Tough Spring Calving Conditions Emphasize Importance of Preconditioning
While most of us are still trying to forget the misery of last spring’s calving season, its effects are still lingering and may still...

A Soggy Spring Increases the Need for Sweetclover Awareness
As many of you have already noticed, the wet, cool weather has allowed for the yellow sweetclover to explode this year, especially in...

Increase Your Pounds, Increase Your Profits
Two of the most underutilized tools in the beef producer’s arsenal are implants and wormers. Many producers do not take full advantage of...

Ultrasound Pregnancy Checking Offers Management and Marketing Advantages
Did you know we offer ultrasound pregnancy checking at Downs and Smith Center Veterinary Clinics? Read on to discover management and...

April Showers May Bring Bloated Babies
Enterotoxemia, or “perfringens” or “overeating” as it is commonly referred to, is a disease that affects young calves and can be fatal if...

As calves are being weaned and the fall weather fluctuates, a common problem we see in calves is coccidiosis. Coccidia are protozoan...

Fracture Management in Calves
While certainly not common, fractured (broken) bones in calves do happen and we are presented with several calves with broken legs every...

Scour Vaccinations
For anyone that has dealt with a scouring calf problem, any possible means of prevention is worthwhile. Watching baby calves fade in...